Sam's Website

This webpage is for my computer science 1 class.
I am learning C#. C# is for learning windows apps.
I'm not great at programming yet, but I am learning.

To download the program used for these projects click here
and make sure to download the community version.

Goodbye Program:

September 13th 2018

This project says goodbye in many different languages.

Help Page:

September 17th 2018

This project displays a help page that describes my company and company logo I made.

Mailing Label:

September 24th 2018

This project obtained information for a mailing label and concatenated it.

Car Rental:

September 28th 2018

This project let you rent out one car and also concatenates Customers information.

BMI Calculator:

October 4th 2018

This project calculates BMI(body mass index) of whatever put into the text boxes.

Car Rental 2.0: The Sequel:

October 10th 2018

This is an upgrade on the original car rental, allowing multiple cars to be rented at once.

Test Score Program:

October 15th 2018

Two test scores are calculated and graded, the higher grade is displayed and the two scores are averaged.

Dice Program:

October 22nd 2018

This program rolls dice and calculates probability of rolling each dice.

Craps Game:

October 19th 2018

This program lets you play an RNG dependent game of craps.

T-Shirt Program:

November 26th 2018

This program Allows you to order several T-Shirts.

Football Project:

December 10th 2018

Make a project that shows a current bowl game and the user can pick which team they think will win.


January 16th 2019

You or the computer can move around a fish, faster or slower in a 2d plane.


January 29th 2019

This application calculates a sequence of all numbers 1-n of odd, even, factorials, and of the fibonacci sequence; n = the number inserted by the user.


Febuary 4th 2019

In this game, you can play Tic Tac Toe with someone.

Space Invaders (Sorta, not really):

Febuary 21st 2019

Here, you will have a deathmatch with an AI. The winner gets a message box.


March 1st 2019

You get to fly through space at hyper-speed and watch the stars go by.

Space Invaders 2.0 (Actually, kinda seriously):

March 14th 2019 (Day of the Pi)

This is a mini game of Space Invaders.

Pong 2.0

April 23rd 2019 (Day of the Pi)

This is a recreation of the game Pong, with an added twist of powerups and coins.